Wednesday, October 25, 2017

A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life of the Pages
Tuesday, October 17th, 2017

Brian: I took my picture on my birthday instead!  Getting my birthday cake at Freddy's. . . it's snowing!

Kathy:  My picture's also on the 20th!  I had someone take birthday candy bars into Dad's class!

Ty, who's in San Antonio:  At noon I took 12ish packages inside.  When I came back to the PIT Pad around 5, I saw this.  One more package came an hour later.  Also, I bought SEVEN tvs!  I felt ridiculous.


Michelle:  Eliza took a super flattering picture of me at the store today.

Afton:  I found my shadow during my soccer game.

Eliza:  Kathryn and I helped Mom look for marshmallows at the store today so she could satisfy a s'more craving.

Kathryn:  Mom tried to help me wake up from my nap by opening the curtains and blinds.  When she came back to check on me a minute later, she learned I'm smarter than she thought.  And then she let me sleep for another hour.

Josh:  Feeding the ducks with Layla!  There were four when we got there.  But by the time we left there were over 50!

Elizabeth:  Feeding the ducks with Layla!

Layla:I took a nap today, but I was still tired when I woke up.  And I love my blankie.

Joseph:  Talking to Jayna at work during my break!

Jayna:  Exhausted after a crazy day at work.

Dallin:  Courtney bought me a Broncos sweater as an early Christmas gift!

Courtney:  And I got him a Nuggets sweater, too!